Natural Carbon Clay by HFS
Natural carbon clay (NCC)
NCC is a 100% natural product not resulting in negative effects, as far as known, no adverse interactions with other feed additives and pharmaceutical substances. Natural Carbon Clay is a natural detoxing agent and is easy to use in all types of animal nourishment.
How NCC works
NCC is a 100% natural product not resulting in negative effects, as far as known, no adverse interactions with other feed additives and pharmaceutical substances. Here are the most important improvements your cattle will experience:
effective and natural binding
elimination and absorption
no binding of vitamins, minerals
concentration of stomach contents (prophylaxis diarrhoea)
supplement of iron, potassium, magnesium and trace elements
treatment of gastro-intestinal infections
prevention of parasitic infections
regulation of digestion
decrease of the level of ammonia in the intestines, stomach and stool
improvement of the digestive tract
verbimprovement of overall resistance against diseases and infections
Mycotoxins form a very serious problem and a threat to the health and life of all cattle and farm animals. These secondary metabolites of fungi in plant material are omnipresent in each phase of growth (before the harvest, during harvest, post-harvest). High concentrations of mycotoxins in feed cause: low quality manure, reproductive problems and various general deterioration in zoo-technical values. Mycotoxins are continuously present (in a lower or higher concentration), hence the permanent risk of complications in cases of extremely high values. To prevent and combat the effects of the presence of high concentrations of mycotoxins, the use of NCC is of the greatest importance; owing to its effective adsorption, it prevents the absorption of these mycotoxins in the body of livestock.
Features of NCC
NCC binds toxins, such as mycotoxins, endotoxins and enterotoxin based on physical and molecular interactions of cohesive forces, and Van Der Waals forces*, resulting in an extremely fast and efficient removal from the animal’s digestive tract.
Due to the highly porous structure and the presence of aluminium silicates, carbon, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium, copper and selenium, NCC provides an effective prevention from many diseases, diarrhoea, improving livestock quality